Failed to create the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource with name ‘TESTAG’ and type ‘SQL Server Availability Group’. The resource type is not registered in the WSFC cluster. The WSFC cluster many have been destroyed and created again. To register the resource type in the WSFC cluster, disable and then enable Always On in the SQL Server Configuration Manager.
Failed to create availability group ‘TESTAG’. The operation encountered SQL Server error 41105 and has been rolled back. Check the SQL Server error log for more details. When the cause of the error has been resolved, retry CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP command. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 41105)

Melek Durdu
2 min readJun 3, 2024


SQL Server’da bir Availability Group silinip, cluster tarafında değişiklik yapıldıktan sonra tekrar Availability Group oluşturulmak istediğinizde aşağıdaki hatayı alabilirsiniz.

Failed to create the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource with name ‘TESTAG’ and type ‘SQL Server Availability Group’. The resource type is not registered in the WSFC cluster. The WSFC cluster many have been destroyed and created again. To register the resource type in the WSFC cluster, disable and then enable Always On in the SQL Server Configuration Manager.
Failed to create availability group ‘TESTAG’. The operation encountered SQL Server error 41105 and has been rolled back. Check the SQL Server error log for more details. When the cause of the error has been resolved, retry CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP command. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 41105)

Bu hatanın çözümü için aşağıdaki adımları uygulayabilirsiniz.

  1. SQL Server Configration Manager’dan SQL Server Services sekmesi açılır.
  2. Burada SQL Server servisinin üstüne sağ tık yapılıp, Properties kısmı açılır.
  3. Always On Availability Groups sekmesinde “Enable Always On Availability Groups” taki tik kaldırılıp, servis restart edilir.
  4. Daha sonra tekrardan “Enable Always On Availability Groups” aktif edilip, servis restart edilir.
  5. Servis restartı sonrasında Availability Group oluşturulabilir.

